Sunday, August 4, 2024

More about the tender behind part 3 and other projects

I just found this unpublished draft of more tender behind work....

I have been sidelined from active work on the Port Costa layout for the last 7 months by medical issues that prevent standing for even short periods of time to work on the layout. These same issues have also slowed me at the workbench. Hopefully I am getting better but it is a slow long haul. 

The 90-R-7 tender bash from the Bachmann 2-8-0 tender has finally reached the stage where the only thing left is the wiring for a LocoFi Wifi receiver and stay/keep alive and installation of a backup light.

This is my current 2-8-0 Collection

The brass tender, not connected, behind the unmodified Bachmann 2-8-0 numbered for a fictional engine is a Sunset tender I was given.  It still needs to be insulated and wired for LocoFi. It also needs to be repainted and decalled. I have been assured that the brass shell will not be a barrier to WiFi signal reception. 

The left tender on the front row is a simple bash of the Bachmann 2-8-0 tender with a simple scratch bunker. The dimensions and wheelbase do not match any of the 70-R or 90-R tenders in my SP tender diagrams book. It has the look of the smaller 70-R-1 tenders. It will pass as a stand-in. 

The tender on the right is an early 3D print version of a 73-SC-1 based on the Lomita preserved tender. There are two developers working on versions of this tender that will fit over the Bachmann 2-8-0 underframe/chassis. There is a very long topic on the groups about the development of this specific tender which was common behind the C-8,9,10 engines in the 1950's. 

The 90-R-7 tender is shown here in the center with 3 other tender options for eventual running with a 2-8-0 that will be modified with parts from Owl Mountain Models to resemble an SP Consolidation (C-8, C-9, or C-10).    Research has shown that in the 1950's the 90-R-7 tender was not assigned to many C-9 consolidations. I have photo evidence of only 3 instances. I don't have postwar photos for about 20% if the C-9's and am still working on the C-8's and C-10's. The results are being made available in a spreadsheet format file available to subscribers to the group (Subscription is free.)  Hopefully and updated version will be available by the end of April 2024. 

These are photo closeups of the completed 90-R-7 tender after decaling and adding the rear ladder. I still need to find and add a backup light. 

The decals that I have applied are from Microscale's 87-65 set. Mine are dated from 2014 and I have not checked for updates. The lettering appears to be very white but is slightly grey on the backing sheet but then even if it is not "lettering grey" it matches what I see in B/W and color photos from the period. 

I am uncertain but the 90-R-7 may wind up behind one of the IHC 2-6-0 M-4's I own. They were more common behind the M and TW classes. 

I have another topic on modeling yard trackage and turnouts to look as if they were buried in dirt rather than ballast. But this has gone on long enough and I want to do a bit more work on modeling the turnouts before I publish. 

My best to all who have read this far.

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